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A dried lavender Bouquet can add lasting beauty to your home

Dried Lavender Bouquet


Your dried Lavender Bouquet will need to be displayed indoors so that they are protected from the elements. To keep them looking as beautiful as the day you purchased them. It is always important to keep them out of direct sunlight. This will ensure the colours of your lavender bouquet will not fade or become brittle. Another good idea is to avoid keeping your flowers in rooms with high humidity, as this will cause them to turn limp and brown.

If you like to change your arrangements around on a regular basis, you can of course store them in a box, as long as there is enough room to secure your bouquet with tissue paper, your bouquet should be fine. We would recommend storing your bouquet in a cool dry place away from any exposure to heat or humidity.

An easy way to keep your displays dust-free and looking fabulous is to use a compressed air spray (just don't spray to close as this could cause damage). Another great method is to use a hair dryer on the 'cool' setting, again, not too close.

If you decide you don’t want the bouquet any more, it has a second life. Just strip the flower buds off the stems and put the buds into your own sachet bag. Now the scent will last for many more years as you gently squeeze the sachet to release the lavender essential oils.

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